It's the end of November. It's raining. Breaking Dawn is in theaters and there's a turkey in our kitchen.
... you know what I mean.
... you know what I mean.
There's red cups at Starbucks and peppermint syrup in my coffee. Our Christmas tree is up. Mostly.
(P.S. My mom made this garland out of ribbons. Isn't she fancy?)
There's a tiny silver Christmas tree on the corner of my desk, cinnamon things baking, and popcorn-hot chocolate dinners? I'm serious. It's a thing.
And, okay, there's still baby pumpkins on my dresser.
Eight of them.
That my best friend left on my doorstep when life was especially upside down.
And my ever-growing list of Things To Bake Immediately (<-- no really. This is real life. I have a list.) mostly involves pumpkin spice and things shaped like ghosts... not cranberry sauce and cornbread stuffing.
But it's okay because I already picked out my Christmas ornament for 2011.
Pier 1. Sparkly things. Do it.
So even though I disappeared for most of October/November (I had a medical exam, a fitness exam, and a psychological exam for a job I'm waiting/holding my breath *right now* to hear from... three separate trips to the San Francisco area, one of which left me stranded for a week with my boyfriend when they told me I needed to come back a few days later, even though I'd only packed one change of clothes... and absolutely no shampoo or make-up.
Eight of them.
That my best friend left on my doorstep when life was especially upside down.
And my ever-growing list of Things To Bake Immediately (<-- no really. This is real life. I have a list.) mostly involves pumpkin spice and things shaped like ghosts... not cranberry sauce and cornbread stuffing.
But it's okay because I already picked out my Christmas ornament for 2011.
Pier 1. Sparkly things. Do it.
So even though I disappeared for most of October/November (I had a medical exam, a fitness exam, and a psychological exam for a job I'm waiting/holding my breath *right now* to hear from... three separate trips to the San Francisco area, one of which left me stranded for a week with my boyfriend when they told me I needed to come back a few days later, even though I'd only packed one change of clothes... and absolutely no shampoo or make-up.
It was like camping. Only with showers, comfy beds, and Starbucks.
Oh and I had a relationship meltdown. No big deal.)
And even though life can get stressful and it's the day before Thanksgiving and all I have for you is a picture of a classy turkey I drew when I was younger... I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for reading, commenting, supporting, and inspiring me... and reminding me daily why I love doing this. Seriously. You're the best.