1. This used to be the cupboard where we kept bread. Oops.
2. I realized earlier this summer that nearly every book I've read this year has had at least one vampire in it. So I rebelled. I branched out. I read The Help. Then I read all three Hunger Games books (loved the first... hated the last one. Hated.). Somewhere in there I reread Pride & Prejudice & Emma.
And now I don't know what to do with myself! I need book suggestions... or I'll be forced to reread Breaking Dawn. Again. Which is legit because the movie's coming out soon, but still. Help.
3. This is a problem.
No, really. There's something seriously not right with this picture. It makes me want to die melt cry lay on a beach and drink icy umbrella drinks. Seriously, what happened to pumpkin weather?
4. It's okay though because I just ordered my Halloween costume! What! I can't tell you! It's super secret, but I'm really excited about it and it's going to be epic. And the best part of all is I got it for free.
What! Yes. Free.
Have you heard of Swagbucks? It's a search engine. Like Google.
... only every so often when you search for things like "what is 1/2 of 1 3/4 cup of butter?" (<-- real life) you're awarded with "swagbucks" which you can trade in for things like gift cards to Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, Fandango, and my favorite place to shop, Amazon. I've been using Swagbucks for awhile now. I have it set as my homepage and since it's the only search engine I use, I've been able to save up a lot of $5 Amazon gift cards to use for baking things, Christmas presents, and now... my Halloween costume.
Want to get in on this? It's super easy. You can click here to be referred by me... and I'll love you/be your best friend/make you cookies. Or no biggie, you can just go here and sign up on your own.
5. I'm totally craving a vanilla cupcake stuffed with pumpkin ice cream. Is this even a thing? Because it should be.
Gabrielle · 702 weeks ago
Adelita · 702 weeks ago
Lexi · 702 weeks ago
p.s. i like the old bread cabinet haha its perfect
Erin@cooking on whim · 702 weeks ago
PS. There is nothing wrong with a cupboard full of sprinkles!
Renee · 702 weeks ago
Tomorrow When the War Began series by John Marsden, or ANYTHING by John Marsden really
How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff
The Serpent War Saga by Raymond E. Feist, starting with Shadow Of A Dark Queen
A Wrinkle in Time by Madam L'Enge
Playing Beatie Bow by Ruth Park
I have more!
The Skullduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy
The Alchemyst Series by Michael Scott
I LOVE both of those.
Shannon · 702 weeks ago
k Stephanie Meyer has written one other book aside from the Twilight series, called "The Host"
I love it more than twilight!! It is my favorite book ever!
I'm halfway through Mockingjay right now...I'm excited for it to end... the second one was my favorite!
photographychick 4p · 702 weeks ago
hmm other books i love...
have you read sarah dessen? totally awesome chick lit books.
Amy · 701 weeks ago
PS I just discovered your blog a couple months ago and I absolutely love all your recipes and how inventive you are! So far I've made your black and white cookies and pretzel m&m cookies and everyone absolutely loved them!
Lisa · 701 weeks ago
emily t · 701 weeks ago
also, if you are into fantasy at all, THE SWORD OF TRUTH series by terry goodkind, was am.az.ing! seriously. they made a tv show that had a short 2 season run called LEGEND OF THE SEEKER. i loved it. they were not as different from each other as the sookie series, but they were different. both very good imho. i don't know which i loved more, that or stephen king's THE DARK TOWER series, which may be my favorite ever. even if you say "meh" to stephen king, you could totally love this series. :)
oh, and BTW:
I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! thank you for sharing your delicious food discoveries and ideas with us!!
Crystal · 701 weeks ago
Erika Beth · 701 weeks ago
Jane Eyre (since you read P&P and Emma.)
Foodness Gracious · 701 weeks ago
Take care,
Mary · 701 weeks ago
Dixie · 701 weeks ago
thesmartbaker 20p · 701 weeks ago
Patricia S. · 701 weeks ago
Also, Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. It will keep you enthralled for many moons.
I recently read some new YA/dystopian type books that are worth a mention as well:
Matched by Ally Condie
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Enclave by Ann Aguirre (very much like divergent, but not quite as good, imho)
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
and I just finished A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, it started slow, but holy cow, it got good. AND it has vampires!!
Annoymous · 701 weeks ago
Bree · 701 weeks ago
Some book ideas....
Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
The Hummingbird's Daughter by Luis Alberto Urrea
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safranoer
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
And, I am currently reading the Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Jordan · 701 weeks ago
When I'm not reading that, I have some wonderful historical fiction to recommend (my other weakness):
Prayers for Sale - Sandra Dallas
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane - Katherine Howe
The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb - Melanie Benjamin
Also seconding the recommendation of Water for Elephants :)
Hope I help steer you towards some fabulous reading!
Christy · 701 weeks ago
Carrie Ann · 699 weeks ago